Thursday, September 11, 2014

Week 1 Summary

Ladies & Gents,

I will do my best to keep a consistent weekly write-up after each fantasy week.

Current Season Bet:
Commissioner($10) vs. The Big Bad Sofia($10)
Week 1 Bet:
Commissioner(Walk the dog for a week) vs. Kathy's Winning team(box of premium cookies, none of that $5 crap)
Week 1 Results: Commissioner WINS

Commissioner vs. Arian Nation

I was so sure about beating Daniel before the weekend, but Doug Martin & Michael Crabtree bombed it for my team. No worries, I am sure Crabtree will make a comeback for Week 2 against my nemesis.

Arian Nation was able to delivered the dagger to me Monday Night when Michael Floyd caught that 50 yards reception on Arizona's 1st or 2nd drive. GOOD JOB... I hope your satisfied.

Team Too Strong vs Anthony's Team

Biggest Blowout Award - Team Too Strong

Team Too Strong scored the most points out of everybody. His team was carried by Megatron and his quarterback, M. Stafford.  I definitely will need a lot of luck next week to take him out.

There was tragedy on Anthony's Team this week  The only thing that went right for him was his Kicker. He had some dangerous weapons aka Jamal Charles, but Kansas decided not to use him...

HelloSheepy vs. Victorious Secret

The winner of this match-up threaten to drop his whole team, because his players were auto-picked.
It turns out auto-pick did him a decent job and won him his first game(more point than me).

Then again, anybody could of beat Sabrina's squad this week.  She was gambling on Cam Newton to play, but that bit her in the behind.

What is Football vs. Harry's Choice team

Both teams were new to the fantasy football world.  Alice was able to pull through with a win for two reason, me & Matt Ryan! The QB who scored the most fantasy point in the league so far.  She really wanted Tom Brady initially, but Kathy was able to snake him first.

Harry's Choice team would of won if Seahawk defense weren't so damn good.  Aaron Rodgers was basically shutdown Thursday night. Sorrrrrry!

Kathy's Squad vs Alex Sawg Team

The battle of the lovers came to an end with Alex winning.  Love was not a factor in this heated battle of domination.  Kathy cried all week about Alex not giving any assistance. Every man and woman on their own! 

Kathy lost because the Patriot lost.

The Big Bad Sofia vs. JT III

Sofia over-killed Jenny by 60 points, leaving her "supposedly stacked team from trading with her bf" defeated.  

Sofia was on a trade craze last week, but the only trade I allowed was the fair deal between Jenny. Looks like the deal turned to Sofia's favor. I bet you are feeling so good right now.... or is it ERIC?!

Check your lineup for Week 2! The first game is tonight for those who have any Ravens or Steeler players!

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